Category: Healthcare IT

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Preparing for the Future of Population Health 4.0

Preparing for the Future of Population Health 4.0

Public Health 1.0 identifies the initiation and growth in both knowledge and tools for medicine and public health. Public Health 2.0 characterizes the development of our traditional public health systems within both local and the federal government. Public Health 3.0 encapsulates the involvement of multiple sectors including other governmental agencies, community-based organizations, and the private...

How Health IT Can Mitigate the Effects of Physician Burnout

How Health IT Can Mitigate the Effects of Physician Burnout

Exhaustion. De-personalization. Lack of Efficacy. These three cardinal symptoms characterize physician burnout, as defined by the World Health Organization, and measurable by the Maslach Burnout InventoryTM developed by Christina Maslach and her colleagues at the University of San Francisco in the 1970s. Our nation’s clinicians have expressed burnout for several years due to personal and...

The Social Determinants of Health – More Than Just Buzzwords

The Social Determinants of Health – More Than Just Buzzwords

While the introduction of the proposed Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Rule (CMS-2393-P) grabbed headlines at last week’s National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) Fall Conference, discussions about social determinants of health could also be considered front-page news.

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